Sunday, February 5, 2012

water pollution

water pollution
Otherwise contaminated water if the water contains substances that do not correspond to its natural state. Contaminated water can be determined from changes in its properties as follows:
a. Color, smell, and taste
b. temperature
c. PH or acidity of water
d. Material contained in the water.

Causes of water pollution can be divided into:
- Chemicals: organic compounds (oil, dyes, detergents, etc.)
- Physics: floating material (foam, plastic, etc.)
- Biology: microbial pathogens and other plants.

There are 8 kinds of common water contaminants exist in society, namely:
1. Industrial waste, household waste, and manure
2. Bacteria, parasites, viruses
3. Mineral and inorganic substances
4. organic substances
5. Plant nutrients
6. Sediments derived from erosion

7. radioactive substances
8. Heat from industry.
water pollution

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