Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The telegraph is a communication system that uses electrical equipment to transmit signals in accordance with the code in the form of electrical pulses. Mailed them to telegraph signals long distances through wires. Signals transmitted by telegraph is a simple code that represents the messages to be sent. Signals are sent using an electric pulse through a single cable. Simple code called Morse code, according to the name of the inventor. Morse code is a messaging system that uses a combination of long and short sounds in a variety of different ways to encode the letters, dit-dit represented by dots, while the dah-dah is represented by a hyphen.

Telegraph operators sending signals using a piece of equipment that mengintrupsi electricity in a wire. The operator uses short-circuit and long jump with a distance of which to encode the letters of the message you want sent. A device in the receiver will convert the signals into a series of sound twitch. Then the operator telelgraf or mechanical printer translate into words. Message sent by telegraph called a telegram.


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