Saturday, February 4, 2012

Transition elements that exist in the fourth period

Transition elements that exist in the fourth period is Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn.

Transition elements that exist in the fourth period

The properties of transition elements
a. properties of metal
Compared to metals, including the main elements, transition metals have more electrons in the outer shell is not complete. This means the electrons available to form metallic bonds between the atoms too much.

b. oxidation
Most of the transition elements indicate the level of oxidation (oxidation state) are more similar than it is due to some or all of the electrons in the orbitals can be used in conjunction with the electrons in s orbitals in forming compounds.

c. Ion-colored
Most of the metal ions trnasisi colorful. This is because the energy levels of electrons almost simultaneously so that the electrons can move to a higher energy level by absorbing visible light.

d. magnetic properties
If in an atom or molecule are unpaired electrons and the orbital-orbital, the atom or molecule is paramagnetic, meaning that the atom or molecule will be attracted by a magnetic field.

e. catalytic properties
Transition elements and their compounds are often used as a catalyst in chemical reactions in industrial.

Transition elements that exist in the fourth period

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