Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here is a function of the family institution, namely:

Here is a function of the family institution, namely:
1. biological functions
The reason for a family of one of them is as a place of fulfillment of biological desire. A man and woman may have intercourse when the wife has had a valid marriage bond.

2. function of socialization
In the family of a child to learn a variety of knowledge and skills needed in community life. The family is the primary group for a child's first and from there began the development of his personality.

3. affective functions
One of the basic human needs is the need for love or feel loved. Family is a place devoted love, joy, and sadness.

4. reproductive function
One goal a couple building a home is to obtain offspring.

5. Function determining the status of
When someone enters a family, a person inherits a set of status. He was given or received some status within the family based on age, sex, and birth order. Families also serve as a basis to give some status.

6. protection function
Families will provide physical protection, economic, psychological, for the whole family.

7. economic function
Each member of the family working together as a team to produce something that is useful both for themselves, their families and communities.

Here is a function of the family institution, namely:

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