Thursday, February 16, 2012

educational institutions

educational institutions
Is the institution that serves to meet the need for information, education, and information so that everyone becomes a useful member of society. Education is basically divided into 3 types:
1. informal education
Education is tangible in the care of parents to their children. It is also different forms of maltreatment among families with one family to another. Education in the family can take place without being bound by time and place among the family members themselves, do not know the age requirement, and does not use any particular method in teaching as in school.

2. formal education
Formal education acquired every human being in the schools since childhood to adulthood. As with other institutions, education in schools is also composed of cultural ideas that have a goal and set up a person's behavior. By Allan G. Johnson, the underlying reason for someone in school is to learn what we need to know as adults later. The second reason is that knowledge is the key to happiness and the solution of social problems that exist. The third reason is that the exams are held in the school can accurately measure their abilities against what they've learned.

3. nonformal education
Obtained from non-formal education courses such as skills courses, language, and computers.

educational institutions

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