Wednesday, February 29, 2012

dialing mechanism

dialing mechanism
Mechanism allows a caller dialing a phone number you want called. With most phones, dialing mechanism consists of a total 12-key keypad, which consists of the keys 0 to 9, the asterisk (*), and pound signs (#).
dialing mechanism

Important part of the phone

Important part of the phone
The phone has four main sections which are very important, namely:
- dialing
- transmitter
- ringer
- Receiver.
Important part of the phone


The phone is a device that converts sound into electrical energy and sends it through the cable telephone network. At the receiver, the electrical energy is then converted back into sound. True to its name derived from the Greek, tele meaning remote and phone means sound, the phone sends a voice in the distance. Since the discovery, the telephone has become a very important communication tool. In seconds, you can contact other people across the street, another city, even in other countries using the phone. Initially, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell made ​​the first telephone in Boston in 1876. However, the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci had invented the telephone in 1849. Therefore, the Meucci was officially accepted as the creator of the telephone by the U.S. Congress in September 2001.



The phone is a device that converts sound into electrical energy and sends it through the cable telephone network. At the receiver, the electrical energy is then converted back into sound. True to its name derived from the Greek, tele meaning remote and phone means sound, the phone sends a voice in the distance. Since the discovery, the telephone has become a very important communication tool. In seconds, you can contact other people across the street, another city, even in other countries using the phone. Initially, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell made ​​the first telephone in Boston in 1876. However, the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci had invented the telephone in 1849. Therefore, the Meucci was officially accepted as the creator of the telephone by the U.S. Congress in September 2001.



The telegraph is a communication system that uses electrical equipment to transmit signals in accordance with the code in the form of electrical pulses. Mailed them to telegraph signals long distances through wires. Signals transmitted by telegraph is a simple code that represents the messages to be sent. Signals are sent using an electric pulse through a single cable. Simple code called Morse code, according to the name of the inventor. Morse code is a messaging system that uses a combination of long and short sounds in a variety of different ways to encode the letters, dit-dit represented by dots, while the dah-dah is represented by a hyphen.

Telegraph operators sending signals using a piece of equipment that mengintrupsi electricity in a wire. The operator uses short-circuit and long jump with a distance of which to encode the letters of the message you want sent. A device in the receiver will convert the signals into a series of sound twitch. Then the operator telelgraf or mechanical printer translate into words. Message sent by telegraph called a telegram.



Paging is a one-way communication tool that is used to deliver text-message command.

radio call

radio call
The radio or walkie-talkies (HT) is commonly used by the police or security forces (security guards) are examples of two-way communication tool.

radio call


Means used to send a letter to be delivered to the destination with the help of post office services. The stamp serves as the replacement cost of shipping.



Function replaces the electric bell chimes in schools and homes. Electric bell is more desirable because of its use is very easy and simple.



In the days before the buzzer found the use of bells as a communication tool. The bells are made of brass or of iron or other metal materials. This equipment is used by schools and churches. Bells may be rung by being hit or by pulling a rope which is connected with the bat in the middle of the bell is attached. Today the bell is rarely used because it has found an electric bell.


Traffic lights

Traffic lights
For highway users who were driving a motor, a traffic light is a means of communication. Useful traffic lights to regulate all road users including pedestrians passing on the highway.

Traffic lights


Before it was discovered communications technologist, kentongan used as a means of communication. Kentongan usually made ​​of wood or bamboo are big and hard. The middle section is created holes and made ​​the inside of the cavity. Kentongan loud voice weak depending on the size of wood or bamboo sticks. The greater bamboo sticks or the resulting sound louder.
Kentongan used to give instructions to assemble such a call community service, theft, death, natural disasters, and for a sign that the atmosphere is safe. Range of sound kentongan reach distances of up to 2 kilometers.


Decomposers or decomposer

Decomposers or decomposer
Decomposers or decomposer functions to describe organic substances derived from living things into inorganic substances. With this decomposers earth is not full of carcasses, because by bacteria and fungi, the remains of dead creatures were broken down into substances that are simpler to be utilized by plants (producers). That includes decomposers are bacteria and fungi.
Decomposers or decomposer


Consumers are living things that depend on other living things because they could not make their own food. Consumers in an ecosystem consisting of animals and humans.

Consumers there are several levels, namely:
a. The first consumer level
The first consumer or primary consumer is an animal that directly feed the plants. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores. Examples include: deer, rabbits, cattle, horses, buffalo, and so forth.
b. the second consumer
Consumer level II or secondary consumers are animals that prey on other animals, belong to the carnivores and omnivores. Carnivores are meat-eating animals, omnivorous animal is eating everything (plants and animals). Animals that occupy secondary consumers, for example: tigers, lions, wolves, snakes fields, and so forth.
c. The third consumer
The third or tertiary consumers Consumers arery consume animals that obtain energy by eating primars or secondary consumers such as raccoons eat the chicken, the eagle eating a snake, and so forth.
d. consumers top
Consumers are creatures top ranks last in the event of eating and being eaten. In an ecosystem of consumers do not have a top predator (the predator), because these animals no one dares to eat it. Example: eagles, tigers, dragons, lions, and so forth.



Manufacturer (producer) is a group of living things that can make their own food without depending on other living creatures. Belonging to the producers are green plants. Plants make food by photosynthesis. Of photosynthesis is stored in the roots, stems, leaves, or fruit.

Of photosynthesis in the form of carbohydrates and oxygen. Carbohydrate utilized by other living things as sources of food and oxygen used by other living creatures and the plants themselves to breathing (respiration).

Maximum photosynthesis performed during the light energy absorbed by chlorophyll at most, ie during the day. Living things that can make their own food organisms called autotrophs.



Environment is everything that living things are outside. Biotic neighborhood may be a neighborhood consisting of living beings, like plants, animals, and humans. Abiotic atmosphere is that the atmosphere that consists of inanimate objects, like water, light, sun, soil, air, humidity, and thus forth. Biosphere is that the living atmosphere in an activity that unfold across the surface of the world and also the air that surrounds Earth (atmosphere). Habitat is where there reside things and standard activities. Sentient beings have constant habitat don't seem to be among the living beings with each other.



Ecosystem is that the interaction between living things with their setting. within the living ecosystems type the units and also the mutual interaction between living things with one another furthermore the interaction between living things with their setting.

understanding of ecosystem

understanding of ecosystem
Ernst Haeckel (1334-1919), an evolutionary biologist and a German national who first introduced the term ecology. Ecology comes from the Latin, the oikos which means household and logos meaning science. Then the ecology is a branch of biology that studies of interrelationships between living things with their environment. Ecosystems comes from the word oikos meaning and Systema parts made ​​up the whole or mutually exclusive. On the whole ecosystem means a functional unity between living things with their environment. Functional unity can occur due to happen in the ecosystem interrelationships between living things with their environment.

understanding of ecosystem

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Organ systems in animals

Organ systems in animals
In learning the organ systems are samples of the employment of human organs, like the respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory systems, digestive system, nervous system, skeletal system and reproductive system.
Organ systems in animals

The respiratory system

The respiratory system
The respiratory system consists of organs, the nose, throat, bronchial, and lung. These organs work together to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

The respiratory system

organ systems

organ systems
Organ systems are a number of the organs that job along type a unit to perform bound functions.
organ systems


The leaves are composed of epidermal tissue, tissue mast (palisade), parenchymal tissue, tissue carriers (xylem and phloem). Parenchymal tissue of the leaf there are 2 styles of palisade parenchyma tissue within the type of a pole or fence and spongy parenchyma tissue of the sponge tissue, that each contain chlorophyll. Leaf epidermal tissue cells are changed into the mouth of the leaves (stomata). as a result of it is the location of leaf photosynthesis (the network poles and sponge tissue), web site of the respiratory or respiration and evaporation or transpiration (through the mouth or the stomata of leaves). Transport network within the leaves may be a continuation of the network carrier on the trunk and roots.


Rod composed of epidermal tissue, parenchymal tissue, tissue reinforcement (kolenkim and sklerenkim) and network carriers (xylem and phloem). Serve to stem the expansion of leaves, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, tenpat the method of evaporation (transpiration). Rod conjointly is a method of transport of photosynthesis from leaves to all or any elements of the body. At a precise plant species conjointly serve a special rod, including:
- As a store of water, aloe vera and cactus samples
- As a store of reserve food, sago and sugar cane samples
- because the website of photosynthesis, eg cactus and aloe vera
- As a method of vegetative copy, eg cassava, sugar cane, roses, jasmine.


Function in plant roots to soak up water and mineral salts from the soil, glue and strengthen the expansion of the stem. At a precise plant species, the foundation incorporates a special operate, as follows:
- As a respirator, betting on the banyan root samples
- As a method of vegetative replica, eg in dahlia
- As a store of reserve food, cassava samples.

Organs in plants

Organs in plants
Plants have 3 main organs, ie roots, stems, and leaves. different organs is of interest, that eventually grow into fruit and seeds.
Organs in plants