(Troubleshooting, Hadith on the source)
A. Understanding
Takhrij said Masdar may be a kind of fill Madi language which suggests obtaining one thing out of place. Meanwhile, in step with tradition the term may be a show where the first sources, during which the hadith has been narrated complete with its sanad, then make a case for derajadnya if required.
The explanation is to see the degree of authenticity of hadith hadith that investigated whether or not shohih, hasan, dhoif or maudhu '.
Understanding takhrij in step with hadith students have 3 (3) types of understanding, namely:
1. Enterprises yearning for sanad hadith contained within the book of Hadith works of others, that don't seem to be constant because the sanad contained within the book. Such effort is named additionally istikhraj. as an example somebody taking a hadith from Sahih Muslim Book Jamius. Then he explore for a special hadith isnaad with sanad that has been outlined by Imam Muslim.
2. an announcement that the hadith that the order brought up within the book is contained in different books that have mentioned the name of the constituent. as an example, the hadith compilers of hadith his writing ending with the words: "Akhrajahul Bukhari", which means that there's a hadith that was brought up the book of Sahih Bukhari Jamius. When he ended it with the word Muslim suggests that Akhrajahul hadith found in Sahih Muslim.
3. a shot to seek out degrees, sanad, and therefore the hadith narrator who isn't explained by drafters or the author of a book.
For example:
a. Takhrij Ahadisil Kasysyaaf, his work Jamaluddin Al-Hanafi may be a book of that try to make a case for the degree of hadith contained within the book of Tafsir AI-Kasysyaaf that the author doesn't explain the degree of his hadith, whether or not sahih, hasan, or other.
b. Al Mugny AnHamlil Asfal, the work of Al-Iraqy Abdurrahim, may be a book that explains the degrees of hadith contained in Ulumuddin Ihya al-Ghazali's work.
4. Shows the origin of the hadith and recommended sources of uptake of the assorted books that he compiled mukharrij directly.
5. primarily based on the book suggests sure hadith in the course of ways of transmission and its sanad and therefore the narrators make a case for his circumstances and therefore the quality of his hadith.
B. ways Takhrij Hadith
a. Takhrij typical al-Hadeeth
According to Mahmud al-Tahhan suggests that throughout his analysis, ways takhrij hadith no over five totally different methods:
1. Knowing the companions who narrated the hadith beneath investigation.
References employed in this technique may be a reference typology Musnad, atraf and Mu'jam. With reference to the researchers are currently yearning for who the narrator of his friend then are going to be presented in numerous hadith narrated hadith.
The advantages of the strategy of tracing the names of friends or tabi'in through the book of the on top of 3 sorts are:
1. will understand all the hadith narrated by an explicit friend together with his sanad and an entire honor.
2. the invention of the many avenues of transmission for constant honor.
3. build it simple to memorize and keep in mind the hadith narrated by a selected friend.
The drawback of the strategy are:
a. needs a comparatively long-standing to seek out an explicit friend together with his hadith (especially for books that are organized not alphabetically).
b. Requiring a comparatively long-standing to seek out a selected hadith from a devotee. as a result of friends don't sometimes one or 2 hadith narrated solely.
c. Variations within the quality of the collected hadiths as a result of while not choice, therefore there's a saheeh, hasan and Da'eef.
2. Knowing 1st lafadz of honor or matla 'hadith.
In this technique additional stress on the text 1st, then the researcher can notice the whole hadith is studied. References employed in this technique is that the typology of al - ma'ajim, like Al - Jami 'al - Saghir, al - Fath al - Kabir fi Dammi al - Ziyadah' ala al - Jami 'al - Saghir. With reference to the researchers are currently yearning for lafadz what seems at the start of the hadith honor are going to be presented in numerous references who issued the hadith.
The disadvantage of this technique is that the researcher should understand the fundamental words of the rules used lafadz search. Besides the dictionary contains solely 9 fashionable books of hadith, therefore if there's no honor in Hadeeth brought up is that the ninth book of the dictionary cannot trace it. Another disadvantage is that the keyword that's used should be a noun (isim) or a verb (ficil) that isn't typically used. If a research using letters, pronouns (permissible), name of the person or a verb that's typically used, the dictionary cannot track it.
3. Knowing some lafadz in honor of its use is never used.
This technique emphasizes the rummage around for some lafadz are rarely used. With the assistance of science sharaf a author can notice a series of hadiths (not completely) and knowing additionally the kodifikator his chapter with the formulation and reference books. References employed in this technique is al-al-Mufahras Mu'jam Alfaz li al-Hadith al-Nabawi work of AJ. Wensinck. This book contains the hadith - the hadith contained in Pole Sitta and the Muwatta 'Imam Malik, Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hambal, and Sunan al-Darimi.
4. By manner of knowing the key themes of a hadith.
This technique is additional stress on finding themes - themes contained during a hadith that need to review. References employed in this technique is Kunuz Miftah al-Sunnah's AJ. Wensick who additionally authored the book of al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras Faadz li al-al-Hadith al-Nabawi.
The advantages of this technique is that the variety of thematic hadith is found primarily based on specific themes. the downside is that the problem of determining a hadith or a bit of honor honor hadith included within the theme of what as a result of there can be variations in perception between the compilers of the book and therefore the researcher (crawler hadith).
5. By manner of knowing the precise nature of the sanad and honor hadith.
The advantages of this technique is that the fifth discovery within the book of hadith are yearning for a referral to the amplification of the constituent. The draw back is that the want for crawler-depth data of hadith to grasp the state of sanad and honor traditions.
b. Al-Hadith Takhrij Using pc Tools (Digital)
Doing takhrij typical tradition is extremely sensible, nevertheless he takes a comparatively long-standing. to hurry up the method of search and search hadith, pc services with a program Mausu'ah al-Hadith al-Sharif al-al-Tis'ah Pole is used. This program may be a pc software stored on compact disk browse solely memory (CD-ROM) made by Sakhr the one991 edition 1.2.
This program contains all the traditions contained within the ninth book of hadith (al-al-tis'ah pole), namely: Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abi Dawud, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Sunan al-Nasa'i, Sunan ibn Majah , Musnad Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Muwatta 'Malik and Sunan al-Darimi complete with its sanad and honor. additionally, the program additionally contains information regarding the biography, a listing of academics and pupils, al-jarh wa al-ta'dil, and every one the narrators of hadith that's within the al-al-tis'ah pole. This program may also show sanad theme, either one lane or all of its transmission lines.
In general, the analysis tradition which will be done through the CD program covers 5 aspects, namely:
1. Takhrij al-Hadeeth
ie tracking hadith hadith in nine complete with a sanad and matannya.
2. I'tibar al-Sanad,
the entire path disclosure sanad during a hadith or news with a read to see the extent of those traditions in terms of the standard aspects of its narrator.
3. Naqd al-sanad,
namely kiritik sanad or review aspects of quality and linkage (ittisal) isnaad chain owned by a hadith, hadith so as to grasp the facet seen from the side of quality wurud al-Hadith.
4. Naqd al-towns,
namely matan criticism or review of a considerable editorial or news or tradition that has been known for sure originality and authenticity of the hadith is that the review sanad.
5. Natijah,
the final conclusions of a study of a selected hadith each the sanad and honor its worth.
Of the 5 aspects of the on top of, solely 3 aspects which will be accessed in full and clear through the CD program hadith. Semantara 2 different aspects that need different devices outside the CD traditions, particularly the ability of research in examining the hadith of researchers each from the side of "express" or "implied" from the tradition beneath study, additionally in fact the power of analysisers to use totally different rules that apply within the research tradition . each aspects are naqd al-honor and natijah. whereas the 3 aspects of their analysis created attainable through the CD visit quick and complete hadith is takhrij al-Hadith, al-sanad i'tibar and naqd al-sanad.
To browse and rummage around for tradition with this program, there are eight ways in which is taken, namely:
• By selecting lafadz lafadz contained within the list in accordance with the hadith is sought.
• By typing one lafadz in honor tradition.
• primarily based on the theme of tradition.
• primarily based on the books and chapters in accordance with the first book.
• primarily based on the serial variety of hadith.
• primarily based on the narrators of hadith.
• primarily based on specific aspects of the tradition.
• in step with hadith takhrij.
C. Book - a book that's needed
There are some books that are required to perform takhrij hadith, namely:
1) nautical Hidayatul ila tartibi ahadisil Bukhari
Authors of this book is Abdur Rahman Al-Misri At Ambar - Tahtawi, the book is structured specifically to seek out the hadith - the hadith contained in saheeh al-Bukhari.
2) Al-Fazi Mu'jam al-wala siyyama garibu minha or fihris litartibi ahadisi Muslim sahihi
3) Miftahus Sahihain
This book was compiled by Muhammad ibn Mustafa al-Sharif Tauqiah, that is employed to seek out the hadiths narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. however the hadith - the hadith contained during this book is that the hadith - the hadith within the kind of the word (qauliyah) solely.
4) Al - Bugyatu fi al-hilyah tartibi ahadisi
The book is compiled by Sayyid ibn Abd al-Sayyid Muhammad bin Sayyid Siddiq Al - Qammari, that contains and explains the hadith - the hadith contained within the book are organized Abu Al-Asabuni Nuaim (w.430 H) entitled Hilyat auliyah wababaqatul asfiyai. like the on top of mentioned book may be a book Miftahul tartibi li ahadisi tarikhil preacher compiled by Sayyid ibn Abd al-Sayyid Muhammad bin Sayyid Siddiq Al - Qammari that contains and explains regarding the hadith - the hadith mentioned in history books compiled by Abu Bakr ibn Ali Subit bin Ahmad bin al-Bagdadiyang called Al-Khatib Al-Bagdadi (w.463 H). The composition of his book entitled Tarikhu Bagdadi consisting of four volumes.
5) Al - Jamius Sagir
This book was compiled by Imam Abdur-Rahman As-Suyuti Jalaludin (w.91 H). The book explains the name - the name of the Prophet's Companions who narrated the hadith in question and therefore the name - his name Mukharij (who collect hadith narrators of hadith in his book). additionally, virtually each hadith quoted described quality assessment conducted by or approved by the As-Suyuti.
6) Al - Mujam mufahras li al-hadith alfazil nabawi
Compilers of the book may be a team of the orientalists. one in all the foremost active members of the team is Dr. Wensick John Arnold (d. 1939 m), a professor of language - the Semitic languages, as well as Arabic at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. The book is meant to seem for clues primarily based on the hadith hadith matan pronunciation.
D. Step - step takhrij hadith
Keep track of the existence of the studied hadith from a range of primary references, each in terms of sanad and honor.
trying syawahid hadith, sometimes is seen from a number of the keywords used later studied hadith al-ma'ajim reference.
making a sanad theme hadith, hadith each principal that has been investigated likewise as hadith - the hadith syawahid it.
Describe the aspects and tawabi syawahid 'which is seen from the theme sanad hadith.
Describe the biography of every subject studied hadith narrators, particularly on the side of academics - academics and students. And additional necessary is that the side of al-wa jarh nya.yang ta'dil 1st to seek out out the facet to the opposite continuous sanad to grasp ketsiqahan narrators.
Describe the continual sanad of hadith which might be observed relation between him and his teacher, and between him and his disciples.
Describe the character of credibility to be able to verify the standing of narrators periwayatannya.
To sharpen the analysis by al-syawahid exposure and al-tawabi ', therefore it is observed when the hadith da'eef will increase to hasan li ghairi or a saheeh hasan hadeeth ghairihi li. finish of penelitiansanad is to see the authenticity of the Hadith, whether or not he hadeeth saheeh, hasan, da'eef or maudhu '.
Conducting a crucial study of the hadith with the principle of honor - rules that are presented in previous chapters. finish of this study is concluded that the studied hadeeth saheeh and ma'mul or ma'bul (can be used as proof). may also conclude saheeh or hasan hadeeth however ghair ma'mul or mardud (not warrant proof). It might even be concluded that studied hadith da'eef however matannya maqbul and therefore forth.
E. edges takhrijul hadith
understand who issued ditakhrij hadith within the book - the most book.
Knowing syawahid narrators friend.
Knowing tawabi 'on every Tabaqat his sanad.
understand {the numerous|the varied|the assorted} inserts are reported from various syawahid and tawabi 'it.
understand the credibility of every narrator, who studied each the hadith and hadith syawahid and tawabi 'it.
Knowing keshahihan necessities are met and whether or not the hadith that might ultimately verify the ontentikkan a hadith.
Then decide the validity of the hadith is investigated through the study of his honor.
to supply convenience for folks that need to observe when knowing that a hadith may be a hadith accepted (acceptable). And conversely, if not observe it's known that a hadith is madud (rejected).
Strengthening the idea that a hadith extremely|is basically|is actually|is absolutely|is admittedly|is de facto} - really comes from the Prophet. What we've got to follow attributable to the proof - robust proof of the reality of hadith, each in terms of sanad and honor.
to feature treasury sanad through the books of hadith that it refers. The additional books that contain the origin of a hadith, then the additional perbendahaan sanad which might be known.
It will clarify the circumstances sanad. By comparing the hadith narrations that abundant, it's known whether or not the history of a hadith that munqati ', mu'dal and therefore forth. equally it is seen if the standing is valid periwayatannya, hasan or Da'eef.
To clarify the standard of a hadith with variety of history. A hadith that Da'eef generally be obtained through a history, however history can notice takhrij permit others are valid. Hadith sahih hadith which will elevate the standard of the Da'eef into a better degree.
is known to the students concerning the assessment of the standard of a hadith.
To clarify imprecise hadith narrators. With the chance takhrij will understand the particular name of the narrators are legkap and precise.
To clarify the hadith narrators whose name is unknown, particularly through a comparison of existing sanad.
To deny use of the symbol of transmission "'an' within the transmission of hadith by a mudallis.
To eliminate the chance of blending history.
will make a case for the particular name of the narrators.
To introduce a transmission that's not contained in one sanad.
To clarify the which means of foreign words contained in one sanad.
It will eliminate the part of syadz.
will distinguish mudraj hadith.
It will eliminate the doubts and errors were committed by the narrators.
is lafadz distinguish between transmission and therefore the transmission of which means.
will make a case for the time and place of fall traditions, and others.

• Ahmad, Muhammad and M. Mudzakir, 2000, Ulumul Hadith, London: trustworthy Reader.
• Tim constituent MKD IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2011, Hadith Studies, Jakarta: IAIN Sunan Ampel Press.
• http://almudarris.multiply.com/reviews/item/44
• http://www.thohiriyyah.com/2011/05/panduan-praktik-takhrij-al-hadis-manual-dan-digital.html
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